At the time of Baby's delivery

Chances of getting infected is quite possible while in the labor room/operation theater itself, this is the time when your baby is going to step out and embrace the outside world. Mostly all Hospitals do maintain optimum hygiene, but incase according to situation if the Hospital does lack in maintaining basic hygiene. You can use a mosquito repellent to keep mosquitos, flies & bugs away and set the windows open for proper ventilation. If the room furniture, hospital equipment or bedding in the hospital lacks hygiene, you need to insist & demand for a change in bedding and furniture. You can also insist & demand for the floor to be cleaned with germs disinfectant. Incase if you have extra pair of bedsheets handy you can utilize it on top of the hospital bedding. Compromising in such situations is not advisable as it involves your Baby’s health.
After the baby is born, if the newly assigned room is lacking basic hygiene, as said above you can insist & demand for bedding, furniture to be changed along with regular use of floor disinfectant. Do allow limited visitors & staff into the Baby’s room, citing the ongoing pandemic especially the ones found to be coughing, sneezing, with running nose or those who have travelled recently. You can also limit the use of hospital clothing for the baby by keeping Baby Clothing handy such as Soaps, Towels, Caps, Mittens, Booties, Soft Baby Wrappers & more along with Newborn Diapers. By following these small precautionary measures you can lower the chances of infection rate to the newborn baby.
During Baby’s Hospital Stay
These are days when one needs to be quite alert, as the mother and the baby are prone to get infected very easily. As said earlier you can limit the visitors & staff into the Baby’s room, citing the ongoing pandemic situation especially the ones found to be coughing, sneezing, with running nose or those who have travelled recently. Although nowadays Hospitals do take appropriate measures in limiting the frequency of visitors. Use of New Born essentials like Soaps, Towels, Caps, Mittens, Booties, Baby Wrappers, Baby Mosquito Net & more along with Newborn Baby Diapers can prove helpful. By taking these small precautionary measures during your hospital stay be it in pandemic or in regular situation, you can lower the chances of infection rate.
When the Baby Reaches Home
Before the newborn Baby reaches home, you are required to set the Baby’s Room with maximum hygiene. You can get the floor cleaned and sanitized by maid with germs disinfectant and repeat on regular basis to lower the chances of infection rate. You can always use a mosquito repellent to keep flies, mosquitos & bugs away and set the windows open for proper ventilation if needed. Do not allow visitors & well-wishers to enter the Baby’s room, rather bring the Baby outside for the guests to have a look. Also do insist visitors & well-wishers to use mask & hand sanitizers during their stay in the house. Regular change of Window Curtains, Bed Protectors & Bed Sheet along with changing of Baby clothes on regular intervals is required to maintain maximum hygiene.
While Feeding your Baby
Baby feeding is mostly done every two hours or as per doctor’s recommendation. This is basically because the baby’s digestive system’s size is pretty small especially during early 2 to 10 days. Now during feeding period, lactating area needs to be cleaned before or after feeding sessions. The mother of the baby needs to maintain optimum overall bodily hygiene during such feeding sessions as the Baby’s health cannot the taken for granted. If the Baby is required to be fed with Feeding Bottle, proper hygiene & cleaning needs to be done after every feeding session. After completing of feeding sessions, burping of the child is required, but do consult your Doctor once before bringing it into practice. Use of Feeding Kurtis can come in handy during such sessions.
When the Baby is asleep
Sleeping is equally important at early stage for proper growth of a baby. When a mother sleeps next to the baby & sings baby rhymes, the warmness & the soothing sound of the baby rhymes helps the baby in getting proper sleep. Use of Mosquito Nets, Repellent & Anti-Mosquito Fabric Roll-ons can be used to keep mosquitoes, flies & bugs away and to provide sound sleep to the baby. If the Baby’s clothes are found to be soiled due to vomit, stool or urine passing, immediate changing is advised as per need without compromise. Managing or neglecting of changing Baby Clothes in such scenarios is not advised. As said earlier, keeping the room well ventilated and regular changing of Towels, Bed Protectors & Bed Sheet, Caps, Mittens, Booties & Baby Wrappers will help in minimizing infection rate.
At the Time of Bathing or Diaper change
This is the time when outmost care needs to be taken, as chances of the baby getting infected is high in such situations. Use of cleaned Baby Towels, Soaps, and Wet Tissues is advised to clean the sensitive Diaper areas and legs. After bathing or diaper changing process sanitizing the area along with your hands is recommended. Use of Baby Bathing Tubs can come in handy in such situations as these are portable as well as easy to clean and will help in minimizing infection rate.
During Hospital visit
Hospital trips after child birth is mostly minimal, if required it will be related to vaccination purpose. After hospital visit it to giving your baby a thorough bath, changing of Baby Clothes and Baby Wrappers is advised. Citing the ongoing pandemic situation wearing Face Mask and regularly sanitizing your hands while handling the baby especially during hospital visits is advised. After such hospital visits changing Baby’s clothes along with yours as well is needed to reduce the possible of infection risk.
While attending Social Functions
Mostly it is advised to avoid taking a new born baby to huge gatherings or cradle functions. In such situations it is advisable for you to wear Face Mask and regularly sanitizing your hands while handling the baby. You may also need to check on the ventilation of the said place for proper air circulation. During such function visits it is advisable to minimize other family members from handling your baby. Similarly after such visits giving your baby a thorough bath, changing of Baby Clothes and Baby Wrappers is advised. As said earlier, by limiting visitors & taking small precautionary measures in such situations you can lower the chances of infection rate.
Summary: Normally when a baby is around 0 to 3 months, infection rate is quite high as baby’s immunity system is not properly functional. During such stage, mother’s milk plays a big role in protecting the baby from most infections. You can call this a nature’s natural defense mechanism to keep the baby from getting infected. This is the reason regular feeding of mother’s milk up to the age of 1 year & further continuing is advised.
However at any stage possibility of infection risk cannot be completely ruled out. By not compromising on changing of Baby Clothes, wearing of Face Mask & hand Sanitization along with preventing the baby’s & mother’s exposure to social gatherings & disallowing others from pampering the baby, you can definitely lower the chance of infection rate. All we can say, as a parent yourself with simple to follow strict precautionary measures in place you can easily keep unwanted infections at bay.
We Wish you, all the very best with your baby’s health.
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