- Early learning English Alphabets Puzzle for kids
- Colorful illustrations encourages your child to learn more
- Features fine detailed images on thick cardboard paper
- Enhances ability to visualize, recall, recognize properly
- Builds hand & eye coordination with color awareness
- Correctly sized for your child to hold & play
- Ideal gift item for any occasion
- Brand - Frank
- Product - English Alphabets Puzzle - (26pcs)
- Age - 3Years & above
- Language - English
- Color - Multi color
- Suitable for Small Girl & Boy
- Needs adult supervision
- Keep in a cool dry place
Country of Origin: India
The product information displayed on this website is for your reference only; however there could be slight variations in the content, dimensions, color, print & feel of the actual product. This is possible as manufacturers do alter the product without giving prior notice, so using your intuition is advised.