- Skin friendly mild laundry detergent
- Gives all day protection from harmful bacteria
- Disinfects & minimizes fungal buildup from baby's clothes
- Safe for cleaning your baby's clothes, sheets, towels & more
- Effectively clears hard to remove milk related stains & smell
- Environmentally friendly & biodegradable product
- Suitable for hand & machine wash
- Effective in killing 99.9% germs
- Made from food grade ingredients
- Product comes in easy to fill refill pack
Expiry Date : 7/04/2024
- Keep in a cool dry place
- For external use only
Country of Origin: India
The product information displayed on this website is for your reference only and not intended to substitute as a professional medical advice, diagnosis or for any kind of treatment. Hence we request you to kindly seek physician’s advice & likewise do not rely on information displayed on this website.