- Cute looking soft silicone baby pacifier
- Cleverly designed to imitate teat stimulation
- Supports your baby's easy breathing for comfortable sleep
- Promotes development of suction & facial muscles
- Durable product is made with smooth surface finish
- Product is made with non-toxic BPA free materials
- Comes with easy to hold ring & storage case
- Simple to clean & no-choke design
Specifications :
- Brand - Moms Love
- Product - Silicone Pacifier / Soother
- Color - Pink
- Age - 3 to 6 months
- Material - Soft Silicone
- Design - Bow
Instructions :
- Keep in a cool dry place
Country of Origin : P.R.C
The product information displayed on this website is for your reference only; however there could be slight variations in the content, dimensions, color, print & feel of the actual product. This is possible as manufacturers do alter the product without giving prior notice, so using your intuition is advised.