- Bear Straw Mug is an Innovative Design to Free Handle for Baby
- Soft Sucking Mouth Care Dental is an Outstanding Feature of this Mug
- It enhances the baby's smooth transition from nipple to straw
- Cup is designed to improve and facilitate the development of the baby's drinking skills
- Light Weight Mug where Baby Can Handle Easily
- Age- 12m+
- Color-Yellow
- Brand- Moms Love
- Capacity-210ml
- Wash Immediately After Each Use
- Rinse in Warm Water
- For More Details read the Information Provided on the Pack
Country of Origin : P.R.C
The product information displayed on this website is for your reference only; however there could be slight variations in the content, dimensions, color, print & feel of the actual product. This is possible as manufacturers do alter the product without giving prior notice, so using your intuition is advised.